Sunday, January 4, 2009

And so it ends...

Friends, alas I just got a new job and I'm moving to Japan, so the blog is coming to an end. I've had a great time over the past year and a half, it's been awesome sharing music with all of you. I started this back in September '07 to share some albums with friends back home while I was at school on the East coast, and then it just sort of exploded. Based on the statistics from the site, over 153,000 people have visited, and what I'm most proud of are the 18,000+ that are returning visitors. Take care of yourselves, and maybe I'll unknowingly meet some of you at a show.

Thanks for visiting, and all the support. If you find a great band or album, make sure you tell everyone you know. Oh, and go to shows, and buy vinyl.


The blog will be up for a few days, so grab what you want.


thehowlfactor said...

Thanks Lucas, its been great. Good luck in Japan and don't forget to check the punk scene in Japan, its sick!


Anonymous said...

When you say "The blog will be up for a few days, so grab what you want.", do you mean you're gonna delete the blog? Leave it up I say, even if you won't update anymore. Don't let all that uploading go to waste!

Well thanks for the music and all the best for your career. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for everything, Lucas. Your blog has been great indeed. Good luck in Japan. Be well.

~ Sleep ~

Ruth Leanne said...

r.i.p. rad blog :( and enjoy japan! my best friend is moving there too.. ah japan.

Anonymous said...

Damn Lucas, i just found this site too! Well thanks for the albums, and i hope your job and new life in Japan is successful! Best of luck, and a lot of thanks for the albums.


Yin May said...

All the best in Japan Lucas! Thank you for all the albums you've recommended and uploaded, I had a great time here. Just wish I found out about this earlier.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lucas! All the work you put in this blog was very much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your music with us. I hope you have the best of luck in Japan and live your life to the best.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

grand job, going to miss the blog, nevertheless have a nice time in japan.

Anonymous said...

coolies. i loved your blog so much! im in japan also. hehe
hopefully youll open a new blog in here too ;)

Anonymous said...

Great Blog but i've only just found it !!
Good luck in the future :-)

Anonymous said...

thanks for all the great uploads. Hope you have the best time in Japan.

Anonymous said...

i found alot of great stuff from this website. in honor of you leaving i made a new music blog with alot of the same bands you have, if you want you could send people there and ill try to fill the huge shoes that you made. good luck in japan, im gonna miss this blog

(link it if you want..)

Anonymous said...

Damn...I'm going to miss this. Have fun in Japan Lucas.

Lauren said...

Thank you for everything! I'm sad to see this blog go.

Anonymous said...

yea, please leave it up. Let it die by itself, with the sands of time...

Anonymous said...

i've been tuning in to this blog since september and have to say you've definitely helped to enlarge my music collection. and you're reviews are always honest and genuine, without being tainted with genre bias or snobbery. thanks for all the recommendations, and good luck for the future.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, really appreciate the effort that went into uploading and reviewing each album.

Definitely one of my fave blogs I've stumbled across.

Have fun in Japan, best of luck for the future!

Anonymous said...

Wow! congrats on your new job! Also, have fun in Japan! I love this's going to be sad when it's gone.

Anonymous said...

Oh and thanks for doing this since 2007 :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job, I hope you have a great time in Japan. It's a lovely country. Thanks for getting the word out on all this great music, I can't thank you enough! Peace.

flo said...

Hi there,
its funny how...i discovered your blog at the end!
thanks for all this stuff you post through, i've listened to great bands i didn't know about. this type of "audiozine" blog is great, makes me wanna buy more vinyl, the bands now have to travel to France
so long and all the best


Anonymous said...

Hey Lucas.. appreciated for all the albums u uploaded..hope u'll be doing fine when ur in japan..have fun and wishes all the luck for you in ur future undertakings.. thanks again...!

Anonymous said...

do they not have internet in Japan?

Anonymous said...

once again, a reminder if your looking for a similiar site check out

Nathan James said...

I agree with a few others; keep the blog up!