I've heard rumblings on the grapevine about this working-class four-piece from Scranton, PA for quite awhile, but never really got around to listening to them. And that was my loss. These guys exude that snotty melodic-punk attitude, somewhere between I Am the Avalanche, The Lawrence Arms and the more punk side of Against Me!...if you could take all that in. Rousing, full choruses define the tracks, which showcase a decent amount of musicianship and foot-stoping beats. The band's sound appeals to the inner blue-collar in me, with simple songs full of energy and drive, propelling from one track to the next, with only short stops for respite ("Male Call") before launching into the next vocal blitz. Like all great albums, it is over entirely too quickly, and whilst satisfying, leaves you wondering what the boys from Scranton will bring next time. I am definitely a fan, and look forward to any upcoming tours. Great tracks: all of them, but pay particular attention to how each chord and riff in "Time Tables" plays off the vocals. It's the little things in a song that can separate it from an album, and I believe "Time Tables" does just that.
1. Who’s Your Partner
2. I Was Born
3. Home Outgrown
4. Deep Sleep
5. Time Tables
6. Male Call
7. Tasker-Morris Station
8. So It Goes
9. No We Didn’t
10. Rivalries
11. Come Here Often?
12. Chamberlain Waits
i recently rediscovered this album floating in my itunes collection :) so good.
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