EVERYONE is doing it, and being a sucker for peer-pressure, I now provide you with my own rendition of the top-10 sick albums that have been rocking my world for the past year:
11. Dustin Kensure "Please Come Home"

-Yes, I know I just said "Top-10" and now I have an 11. This one is worth the list, and I actually wrote out everything below this, and realized that this was what I considered the FIRST great album of 2007 (being released in January). The Thrice frontman's solo effort has longevity for the simplicity of the tracks, because I have been listening to it quite often for what amounts to be the entire year. Definitely worth the addition to my top-10. Er, 11.

10. Paramore "Riot"
-I guess this is their "breakthrough" album, but I really am happy for this band, because I think they're onto something great, a sort of younger generation's No Doubt, and yes, I realize I'm not the first to make this comparison, but that's what I grew up listening to, and I use it as an honor to Paramore; they keep the beat tight, lyrics sincere, and sound loud.
9. Thrice "The Alchemy Index (Vol. 1 & 2)"

-Experimental first-half of their four-album masterpiece, Thrice has stumbled upon something great and intruiging, and it leaves me wondering what is in store for 2008. I'm not a genius, but I think that's the whole point of a great record: make the listener come back for more.
8. Rocky Votolato "The Bragg & Cuss"

-Not only did I drive 3 hours each way to see him play in West Virginia, but the fact that it was completely worth it serves as a testament to Rocky's musicianship and song-writing ability. The album is posted somewhere on this blog.
7. Crime in Stereo "Is Dead"

-A last, last minute addition, I just finished listening to the album this morning. So, while it hasn't been "rocking my socks" all year, it has the dubious distinction of beating out everything I've listened to over the past 12 months, all with one listen. I'll post it very shortly.

6. Kanye West "Graduation"
-Just a great album. The one thing for which I respect many of the mainstream artists is their ability to cope with anticipation and national/world-wide criticism if their album does not deliver. Kanye's not only delivered, but it also delivered big, fulfilling the hype while being one of the most anticipated albums of the year, in any genre.
5. Motion City Soundtrack "Even if It Kills Me"

-While reading other blogs/websites top-album lists, this effort was either on the top list, or the "biggest disappointment" list. While personal preference is the force behind most of these lists, I put it on my "tops" because of the pop-sensibility and the well-constructed sound that carries over from
Commit This to Memory.
4. Cassino "Sounds of Salvation"
-Like some of the aforementioned gems, I've already explained why this is first-rate. And, they're so indie, they don't have any pics to upload.
3. Hot Rod Circuit "The Underground is a Dying Breed"

-Yeah, I just read that they broke up, which is disheartening because this album made my top-3 of the YEAR. OF THE YEAR...52 WEEKS...365 DAYS. And then they break up. Thanks for that. Maybe I'll come with a "Biggest Disappointments of 2007" and put the band itself at number one.
2. Lost Ocean "Lost Ocean"

-I'm not putting this album on because I know the keyboardist, and I'm trying to promote their music (although that could be considered an ulterior motive). This album is brilliant, and I can't believe that any band from my hometown could come up with an album that seamlessly integrates so many harmonies and sonic ideas with a soundscape that is varied, yet straightforward and easy to listen to. To be honest, this was the last album I bought, not only to support my friend, but it was the last one I decided was worth 10 bucks. Independent and hopeful, Lost Ocean knows where they want to go, and they take the listener with them.
1. Against Me! "New Wave"

-Through this album, I discovered this band, and they are my greatest find of the year. I know they've been around for a long time, and I know that more likely than not you've liked them "way longer than me." That being said, fuck you, I'm now a fan too. Between the guitars, drums, bass lines, and throaty vocals, this album has everything that I would want in an album. I realize that I only gave it an 8.5/10 on my review, but as far as what's been constantly playing on the iPizzle, Macbook, at school, in the car, on the plane, look no further than this album. It just puts me in a good mood, and I guess that's all you can want from something that is your passion.
This is probably my last post of this year, unless something comes up. Here's to a sick 2008, and albums to match.